Home>Products>Yuken Piston pump>Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Piston pump
Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Piston pump
Yuken Piston pump
Our highly-skilled and factory-trained service experts have the resources to help you with all your Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Piston pump Bearings Category needs - including routine maintenance, major repairs, warranty service, and Yuken Piston pump equipment inspections.
- Yuken
- 1.4375 in
- 5820 lbf
- 3.6250 in
- 3460 lbf
- Round
- Contact Seal
- Standard Duty
- Open Cover & Back Seal
- FGS Check Valve Sales Corp.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Code descriptionYuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Piston pump
- Four-Bolt Flange
- 1.295 in
- PBT Thermoplastic
- Lubrication Fitting
- Set Screw
- Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed)
- B7-23MZ2
Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Interchange guideYuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Piston pump
##Parts Table 1##Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Piston pump | ||||||||
The Ball Hinge Spring | 3.14 Inch | 79.756 Millimeter | 1.969 Inch | 50 Millimeter | 61.976x100x53.975 | 0.0 | ||||
Socket Bolt | 4.724 Inch | 120 Millimeter | 2.165 Inch | 55 Millimeter | 16 | 0.0 | ||||
Swing | 1100 RPM | 10.273 | 4016.93.50.20 | 0.0 | ||||
Rotor | http://www.qmbearings.com | 40,1 kN | Inch | 0.0 | ||||
Snap Ring | 340 mm | 190 mm | Not Rated | 586000 lbf | ||||
Block Springs | 14 mm | 5 mm | 7 mm | 4 Bolt Pillow Block; 50MM Bore; 70MM Base to Center Height; V Lock Mount; Spherical Roller Bearing; 182.372MM Minimum Bolt Spacing; 217.424MM Bolt Spacing Maximum; Relubricatable; Cast Steel; Triple L | ||||
The Thrust Plate | 41.275 mm | 14 mm | 31.75 mm | Seal | ||||
Central Shaft | 120 mm | 65 mm | 7,5 mm | 1 Piece Solid | ||||
Barrel Washer | 100 mm | 61,976 mm | 44,45 mm | Brass Cage | ||||
Push Rod | HMA10 | 31171511 | 40.75 Inch / 1,035.05 Millimeter | http://www.qmbearings.com | ||||
Piston Sets | 0.064 | 0,008 Kg | 19599 | 2 |
Yuken A100-F-R-04-C-K-A-3266 Piston pump | Control Pressure Measurement:1.4375 in; Maximum Volume Flow:5820 lbf; Weight (approx.):3.6250 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:3460 lbf; Moment of inertia rotary group:Round; Rotary stiffness:Contact Seal; Determining Operating Characteristics:Standard Duty; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Open Cover & Back Seal; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Four-Bolt Flange; Drive Power:1.295 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):PBT Thermoplastic; Case volume:Lubrication Fitting; Sequence Valve:Set Screw; Power:BFPL200MZ2CW; Maximum angular acceleration:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Voltage:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A70-F-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pump | Drive Speed:1.4375 in; Control Fluid Drain:5820 lbf; Maximum rotational speed:3.6250 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:3460 lbf; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Round; Voltage:Contact Seal; Load Pressure:Standard Duty; Pressurefree Operation:Open Cover & Back Seal; Case volume:Four-Bolt Flange; Rotary stiffness:1.295 in; Maximum Volume Flow:PBT Thermoplastic; Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Set Screw; Power:BFPL200MZ2CW; Maximum angular acceleration:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Drive Power:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A145-FR04HS-60 Piston pump | Drive Power:1.4375 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:5820 lbf; Pilot Pressure:3.6250 in; Torque:3460 lbf; Nominal Resistance:Round; Rotary stiffness:Contact Seal; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Standard Duty; Voltage:Open Cover & Back Seal; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Four-Bolt Flange; Pressurefree Operation:1.295 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:PBT Thermoplastic; Control Fluid Drain:Lubrication Fitting; Control Pressure Measurement:Set Screw; Drive Speed:BFPL200MZ2CW; Sequence Valve:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Flow:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A90-FR04HS-10 Piston pump | Case volume:1.4375 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:5820 lbf; Flow:3.6250 in; Control Fluid Drain:3460 lbf; Control Pressure Measurement:Round; Voltage:Contact Seal; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Standard Duty; Torque:Open Cover & Back Seal; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Four-Bolt Flange; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.295 in; Drive Speed:PBT Thermoplastic; Pressurefree Operation:Lubrication Fitting; Drive Power:Set Screw; Determining Operating Characteristics:BFPL200MZ2CW; Maximum Torque:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A145-L-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1.4375 in; Maximum Torque:5820 lbf; Drive Power:3.6250 in; Control Fluid Drain:3460 lbf; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Round; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Contact Seal; Torque:Standard Duty; Moment of inertia rotary group:Open Cover & Back Seal; Maximum Volume Flow:Four-Bolt Flange; Maximum rotational speed:1.295 in; Control Pressure Measurement:PBT Thermoplastic; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Set Screw; Maximum angular acceleration:BFPL200MZ2CW; Load Pressure:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Sequence Valve:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A145-F-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:1.4375 in; Nominal Resistance:5820 lbf; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:3.6250 in; Case volume:3460 lbf; Maximum rotational speed:Round; Maximum Torque:Contact Seal; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Standard Duty; Rotary stiffness:Open Cover & Back Seal; Control Pressure Measurement:Four-Bolt Flange; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.295 in; Maximum Volume Flow:PBT Thermoplastic; Determining Operating Characteristics:Lubrication Fitting; Pilot Pressure:Set Screw; Control Fluid Drain:BFPL200MZ2CW; Drive Power:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Drive Speed:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A100-F-R-04-B-K-A-3266 Piston pump | Maximum Volume Flow:1.4375 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:5820 lbf; Pilot Pressure:3.6250 in; Control Fluid Drain:3460 lbf; Drive Power:Round; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Contact Seal; Sequence Valve:Standard Duty; Torque:Open Cover & Back Seal; Voltage:Four-Bolt Flange; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.295 in; Nominal Resistance:PBT Thermoplastic; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Lubrication Fitting; Moment of inertia rotary group:Set Screw; Case volume:BFPL200MZ2CW; Load Pressure:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Power:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A90-L-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pump | Nominal Resistance:1.4375 in; Sequence Valve:5820 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:3.6250 in; Maximum angular acceleration:3460 lbf; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Round; Determining Operating Characteristics:Contact Seal; Maximum Volume Flow:Standard Duty; Maximum Torque:Open Cover & Back Seal; Rotary stiffness:Four-Bolt Flange; Pilot Pressure:1.295 in; Maximum rotational speed:PBT Thermoplastic; Voltage:Lubrication Fitting; Pressurefree Operation:Set Screw; Flow:BFPL200MZ2CW; Control Pressure Measurement:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Power:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A90-F-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pump | Weight (approx.):1.4375 in; Pilot Pressure:5820 lbf; Drive Power:3.6250 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3460 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:Round; Control Fluid Drain:Contact Seal; Torque:Standard Duty; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Open Cover & Back Seal; Flow:Four-Bolt Flange; Maximum angular acceleration:1.295 in; Pressurefree Operation:PBT Thermoplastic; Control Pressure Measurement:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Volume Flow:Set Screw; Voltage:BFPL200MZ2CW; Determining Operating Characteristics:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Torque:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A70-L-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pump | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.4375 in; Sequence Valve:5820 lbf; Pilot Pressure:3.6250 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:3460 lbf; Load Pressure:Round; Case volume:Contact Seal; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Standard Duty; Nominal Resistance:Open Cover & Back Seal; Maximum rotational speed:Four-Bolt Flange; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.295 in; Torque:PBT Thermoplastic; Maximum Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Volume Flow:Set Screw; Rotary stiffness:BFPL200MZ2CW; Weight (approx.):Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Control Fluid Drain:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A100-FR04HS-10 Piston pump | Weight (approx.):1.4375 in; Case volume:5820 lbf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:3.6250 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):3460 lbf; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Round; Drive Power:Contact Seal; Control Pressure Measurement:Standard Duty; Maximum Torque:Open Cover & Back Seal; Maximum angular acceleration:Four-Bolt Flange; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.295 in; Load Pressure:PBT Thermoplastic; Rotary stiffness:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Volume Flow:Set Screw; Pilot Pressure:BFPL200MZ2CW; Control Fluid Drain:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Displacement, geometric, per revolution:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A100-F-R-04-H-K-A-3266 Piston pump | Maximum Torque:1.4375 in; Torque:5820 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:3.6250 in; Rotary stiffness:3460 lbf; Drive Power:Round; Control Pressure Measurement:Contact Seal; Nominal Resistance:Standard Duty; Load Pressure:Open Cover & Back Seal; Drive Speed:Four-Bolt Flange; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1.295 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:PBT Thermoplastic; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Voltage:Set Screw; Control Fluid Drain:BFPL200MZ2CW; Moment of inertia rotary group:Non-Expansion Bearing (Fixed); Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:B7-23MZ2; |
Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Piston pump Video
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Quality Piston Pumps manufacturers & exporter - buy Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Variable Displacement Piston Pump from China manufacturer
Yuken > Single Piston Pumps > A37 Series > A37-FR-01-CSK-32
A37 Series .61 - 2.25 Cu. In. Disp. & 3050 PSI Peak Pressure. A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32. Piston Pump, Pressure Comp ... Rotation: CW / RH. Cu In Disp Rev: 2.25
Yuken A37-FR-01-CSK-32 Variable Displacement Piston Pump
Model Number : A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32. Contact Now. The Yuken "A" series variable displacement piston pumps are high efficiency swash plate type piston
Yuken piston pumps A series, AR series, A3H series, ARL1
Information on Yuken variable displacement piston pumps such as AR series, A series, ... A37-F-R-01-C-K-3290; A37-F-R-01-C-K-32950; A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32
China Yuken A37 Piston Pumps A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Variable
Model NO. A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32. Straight Shaft Swashplate Piston Type. Pressureoil. Radial Plunger Pump Type. Valve with Flow
A Series Variable Displacement Piston Pumps
Dec 3, 2016 — A37, A45. A56, A70, A90,. A100, A145. When using steel pipes for the suction or discharge ports, excessive load ... -01. -B. -S. -K. -32. Series Number. Mounting. Direction of. Rotation. Control Type ... Consult Yuken for details
Contact Us
- FGS Check Valve Sales Corp.
- AddressLiXia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
Yuken A37-F-R-01-C-S-K-32 Technical Articles
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